NORD-1 boards

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This is an incomplete compilation of known boards used in the NORD-1 series of computers.

Card cages in a NORD-1.

There is a lot of different boards used in the NORD-1 computer. Most are numbered with a three digit code starting at 101 and at least going up to 504. The NORD-1 was one of the first computers to be constructed of integrated circuits instead of transistors. Almost all of the boards are built with the 74-series IC:s.

Table of NORD-1 Boards

Board Drawing Name Notes
90N00 2B01 Data Inverter
90N40 2B01 Register Enabling
101 2A01 Bus memory
102 2A02 Register I
103 2A03 Arithmetic
106 2A06 Interrupt Register
108 2A08 Register II
109 2A09 Register control
110 2A10 Panel buffer
113 I Card reader contr. (duplex)
115 2A15 Arithmetic control
119 Unknown [1]
120/II 2A20/II I/O control
122 2A22 Assembler
123 2A23 Cycle counter
124 2A24 Counter control
125 2A25 Shift counter
126 2A26 Shift control
127 2A27 Control flip-flops
128 2A28 Protection check
130 2A30 Addressing control
131 2A31 Addressing control
132 2A32 Interrupt control
133 2A33 Bit instruction
134 2A34 Floating control
135 2A35 Floating control
136 2A36 Floating control
137 2A37 Floating control
140 2A40 Lamp register
141 2A41 Protection
146 2A46 Register transfer
150 2A50 Register
151 2A51 Time counter
157 2A57 Teletype control
158/II 2A58/II Memory buffer
159 2A59 Memory OR
160 Simplex control
160/II 2A60 Simplex control
163/II 2A63 I/O output and clock
164 2A64 Reader buffer
165 2A65 I/O Input
166 2A66 I/O Output
168 2A68 Channel interface
169 2A69 Cambridge control
170 2A70 Duplex buffer
179 2A79 Punch buffer
180/III Device instructions
181/II Cartridge disc 7/8 register
182 Data channel register
183/II Data channel counters
184 2A84 I/O Output
185 2A85 Line driver/receiver
186 2A86 I/O data board
187 2A87 I/O Input
188 2A88 Paging buffer [2]
189 2A89 Interface buffer/cable
190 2A90 Cable card
191 2A91 I/O expander
194 2A94 Memory buffer driver
195 Duplex Start-stop buffer
196 GH 1101-J control
301 Reader buffer
302 Centronics interface
305 Memory control
309 Cartridge disc transmit
310 Cartridge disc receiver
311 Cartridge timing
312 Cartridge sequence
313/II Cartridge control
503 1A03/II Data ch. driver [2]
504 1A04/II Cable card Bus receiver [2]
512 Unknown [3]
7316 Expander

References and sources