ND-5830 Serial 129
ND-5830 Serial number 129 was given to me by Dansk Datahistorisk Forening in 2020. I believe it was previous in the possession of the Danish Telephone Company. The computer was built in 1987-11-19.

This machine has been upgraded to the more modern CPU Rallar that were introduced in 1990 and has two CPU:s. It has three SCSI controllers on the 5000 side as well as dual Ethernet III cards. At the top shelf there is two tape streamer, the boot disk, a 5.25" floppy drive and the front panel.
- 5.25" floppy drive
- Tape streamer
- Tape streamer
- Control panel
- Boot disk, SCSI
- Fan module
- Power supplies
ND-5000 crate
Cabinet assy 1.2
Function : MPM 5/5400 CX
System no. : 5430.19481 * 1 : 5478 JAMES II * 2 : 5155 MFB PORT * 3 : 5467 MFB SCSI * 4 : 5467 MFB SCSI * 5 : 5452 MFB ETHERNET III * 6 : 5452 MFB ETHERNET III * 7 : 5467 MFB SCSI * 8 : 5462 DYNAM RAM 16 MB * 9 : 5462 DYNAM RAM 16 MB * 15 : 320027 N-5000 BASIC CPU IV (RALLAR) 45 MHz 16 MB * 20 : 320027 N-5000 BASIC CPU IV (RALLAR) 45 MHz 16 MB
Plugboards * 1 : * 2 : * 3 : SCSI * 4 : SCSI * 5 : Ethernet with AUI * 6 : Ethernet with AUI * 7 : SCSI * 20 :
ND-100 crate
Cabinet assy 1.1
Function : ND-110 CX
System no. : 5430.19481 * 1 : 3202 HD ND-120 32B 6 MB * 4 : 3096 OCTOBUS/MPM * 5 : 3206 SCSI/FLOPPY * 6 : 3043 15 MHz SMD CONTROL * 7 : 3044 15 MHz SMD DATA * 10 : 3094 ETHERNET IF. II * 11 : 3010 NO100 4 TERM IF
Missing parts and damages
Only thing missing is a few screws and the two bars holding in the power supplies.
Current status
The system resides in my main collection outside of Umeå. It's operational status is unknown.
- 2020-11-05 Arrived at my main collection, the move from Denmark went just fine without major problems. To move it the last leg of the journey all side panels, the top shelf and power supplies have been removed and is sitting at it's side.
The system will be put together and tested. The disk will be imaged separately first.