ND-1xx Compact family

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The ND-100 Compact family of computer systems is a physical compact computer based on the Compact form factor using a ND-100 CPU. It is designed for usage in offices and is small, quiet and easy to operate. Standard equipment is a floppy disk and usually a tape streamer. The remote error analysis software (Telefix) is available for the ND-100 Compact family.

Hardware implementation

The system is built around a 12 positions ND-100 bus crate. There is a modular power supply and backup battery in the center of the cabinet. In the front there is an operator panel with TELEFIX adapter, a 1.2 Mbyte 5 1/4 inch floppy drive and a Tandberg 45/60 Mbyte tape streamer. One or two hard disks makes up the disk system.

ND-100 Compact

The first ND-100 compact used the same chassis and hardware as the ND-100 Satellite system 9. The cover was made of sheet metal. Later models used plastic covers and physically smaller disks in a different physical layout.

Early versions supported disk sizes of 14 MB, 21 MB, 23 MB, 45 MB and 74 MB. (Model 1, 2, 3 and 4) Later versions supported disk sizes from 28 MB to 148 MB, 1800 MB with external interface (optional on model 11,12 and 13, standard on model 14). Supports up to 48 workstations and 1-14 MB main memory. All models were available with ND-100 or ND-100 CX CPU.

Power is delivered by the EMSP-445 Power modular power supply, power consumption ca 800 W.

Physical size : height 69 cm, depth 78 cm, width 54 cm, 80 kg.

ND-110 Compact

The ND-110 Compact and ND-110/CX Compact family of computer systems is an evolution of the compact series using a ND-110 or ND-110 CX CPU. It was introduced in November 1987.

Disk sizes from 28 MB to 148 MB, 1800 MB with external interface (optional on model 11,12 and 13, standard on model 14). Supports up to 48 workstations and 1-16 MB main memory.

Power is delivered by the ND-100 Power modular power supply, power consumption ca 800 W.

Physical size : height 69 cm, depth 78 cm, width 54 cm, 80 kg.

ND-100/5000 Compact (COMSON)

The last models in the Compact family, a ND-100 family CPU with a ND-5000 CPU in the same form factor as the earlier Compacts. The power supply was upgraded to the [[]] modular power supply. The backup battery was an EBU-13, 1AH.


ND-1xx Compact system comparision chart
System ND product number Details
ND-100 Compact Model 1 ND-3260 23 MB winchester, 512 KB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy
ND-100 Compact Model 2 ND-3261 45 MB winchester, 512 KB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, streamer
ND-100 Compact Model 3 ND-3262 45 MB winchester, 512 KB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, streamer
ND-100 Compact Model 4 ND-3263 512 KB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, streamer, interface for external storage
ND-100 Compact Model 11 ND-3291 74 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy
ND-100 Compact Model 12 ND-3292 74 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, streamer
ND-100 Compact Model 13 ND-3293 2 x 74 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, streamer
ND-100 Compact Model 14 ND-3294 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, interface for external storage
ND-110 Compact Model 11 ND-3xxx 28 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy
ND-110 Compact Model 12 ND-3xxx 74 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, 60 MB streamer
ND-110 Compact Model 13 ND-3xxx 2x 74 MB winchester, 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, 60 MB streamer
ND-110 Compact Model 14 ND-3xxx 1 MB RAM, 1.2 MB floppy, interface for external storage
