List of software products

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This is a list of software numbers. Early software did not have any product numbers but quite soon the a system for numbering the software packages evolved. At first it was a 5-digit code, for example ND-10024 BASIC (48-bit). Later on the codes changed into a 6-digit format. Old software got new numbers by simply adding a 2 at the beginning, for example ND-210024 ND-100 BASIC. Sometimes the names changed over time with new versions of the software.

Here the list is broken up in smaller chunks, both the 5-digit and 6-digit codes are listed.

10000 - 10814

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-10004 NORD-50 Program Package
ND-10005 Subsystem Package (32-bit)
ND-10007 Scientific Subroutine Package (48-bit)
ND-10008 SIBAS Database Multi-User System
ND-10009 Scientific Subroutine Package (32-bit)
ND-10010 Calcomp Plot Package (48-bit)
ND-10011 Versaplot Plot Package (48-bit)
ND-10012 Plot-10 for NORD-10 (48-bit)
ND-10013 NORD Screen Handling System
ND-10014 FLOCON System (SIII VS)
ND-10015 ND-500 Versaplot 07
ND-10016 IBM 3270 Emulator
ND-10018 RPG-II (RPG Compiler)
ND-10020 COBOL (phased out, available)
ND-10021 FLOCON system (SIII RT)
ND-10022 SINTRAN Utility Programs
ND-10023 FORTRAN (48-bit)
ND-10024 BASIC (48-bit)
ND-10025 Sort system (phased out)
ND-10026 NORD IDT CDC 200 User Emulator
ND-10027 NORD IDT Honeywell Gerts 115
ND-10028 NORD IDT IBM HASP Work Station
ND-10029 NORD IDT Univac NTR
ND-10030 NORD IDT IBM 2780/3780
ND-10031 Univac DCT 200 emulator (VS)
ND-10032 Plot-10 for NORD-10 (32-bit)
ND-10033 FORTRAN (32-bit)
ND-10034 BASIC (32-bit)
ND-10044 Subsystem Package (48-bit)
ND-10046 NORD Colour Terminal Software
ND-10047 SINTRAN III/RT operating system
ND-10048 SINTRAN III/VS operating system
ND-10049 SINTRAN III/VSE Spooling System [1]
ND-10050 ND-NET
ND-10053 NORD Data Entry System
ND-10054 NORD TPS (48-bit)
ND-10056 NORD IDT Univac NTR
ND-10057 NORD IDT Univac DCT 2000
ND-10058 NORD Simula (48-bit)
ND-10059 7750 VIP Emulator (48-bit)
ND-10060 Plot-10 for NORD-50
ND-10061 UTS-400 Emulator
ND-10063 NORD IDT IBM HASP Work Station (DMA) (48-bit)
ND-10067 FORTRAN Runtime system (48-bit)
ND-10068 Versaplot Package (32-bit)
ND-10069 NORD IDT CDC 200 User Multidrop Emulator (48-bit)
ND-10070 Scientific Subroutine Package For N-50
ND-10072 Datacon
ND-10073 E, F, G NORD Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM)
ND-10075 SORT-II system (MSD-SORT) (phased out)
ND-10076 H, I, J Pascal (48-bit)
ND-10079 I, K, M05, M06, M07 NOTIS-WP
ND-10080 PED (NORD Program Editor)
ND-10112 Test-programs For ND-50
ND-10124 GPM - General Purpose Macro Processor
ND-10130 Xmessage For SINTRAN-III/VS
ND-10133 Pascal (32-bit)
ND-10134 COBOL Runtime system (phased out)
ND-10135 NSHS Runtime System
ND-10136 FORTRAN Runtime system (32-bit)
ND-10137 Versaplot-07 (48-bit)
ND-10142 DDPP (48-bit)
ND-10145 Mercur (Swedish version)
ND-10174 SINTRAN III/VSE Operating system
ND-10175 SINTRAN III/VSE-500 Operating system
ND-10176 COBOL for ND-100/NORD-10
ND-10177 ND-500 COBOL
ND-10178 Siemens emulator
ND-10179 Sort/Merge System
ND-10183 HASP-II
ND-10185 ACCESS-1 (48-bit)
ND-10186 FORTRAN Runtime system (for and part of ND-10191)
ND-10187 Pascal For ND-500
ND-10188 FOCUS Level 1, Screen Handling system For Transaction Processing
ND-10189 COBOL runtime System
ND-10190 FORTRAN For ND-500
ND-10191 E00 FORTRAN For ND-100/NORD-10
ND-10193 NOTIS-RG for ND-100
ND-10195 ND Multiuser Data Entry System
ND-10196 ND-100 APL (48-bit)
ND-10197 SIBAS Backend Communication Module
ND-10199 X.25 Packet And Link Level For S-III/VS
ND-10300 Test Sys. For X.25 Packet And Link Level (48-bit)
ND-10309 A, D PLANC for ND-100
ND-10310 PLANC for ND-500
ND-10311 ND-500 Assembler
ND-10312 VIP 7750 II
ND-10315 SINTRAN III Accounting System
ND-10319 Linkage-Loader For ND-500
ND-10320 ND-500 Monitor (Single-user)
ND-10321 ND-500 Micro Test Programs
ND-10323 Mercur (english version
ND-10324 Test programs No. 1 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10324E Test program floppy 1 [2]
ND-10325 Test programs No. 2 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10325B Test program floppy 2 [2]
ND-10326 Test programs No. 3 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10326B Test program floppy 3 [2]
ND-10331 Micro Test Program for ND-500 [1]
ND-10332 ND-500 Standard Micro Program [1]
ND-10333 ND-500 Monitor (Multi-user)
ND-10335 ND-500 Symbolic Debugger
ND-10336 ND-100 Symbolic Debugger (48-bit)
ND-10337 Backup-System
ND-10338 ND-500 microcode for array processing functions
ND-10339 Honeywell GRTS-II Remote Job Entry Emulator
ND-10340 D SIBAS-II For ND-500
ND-10341 FOCUS Level 1, Screen Handling system For ND-500
ND-10342 ND Transaction Processing System - TPS-II [3]
ND-10343 G Indexed Sequential Access Method For ND-500
ND-10344 Sort/Merge For ND-500
ND-10358 X.21 for RJE and terminal concentrator packages
ND-10366 Sci/Tech Program development option (48 bit)
ND-10371 Data Dictionary System
ND-10373 IS XMSG [4]
ND-10374 COSMOS Basic Module [4]
ND-10375 Telefix
ND-10379 Unique
ND-10400 Subsystem Package II
ND-10403 COSMOS X.21 Option [5]
ND-10404 COSMOS X.25 Option
ND-10406 SINTRAN-III for ND-100 Satellite/5
ND-10407 SINTRAN-III for ND-100 Satellite/9
ND-10408 Sci/Tech Program development option (32 bit)
ND-10409 X.21 Dialing Driver
ND-10415 SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
ND-10455 VTM tables (standard)
ND-10457 Linkage Loader For PIOC, ND-500 And ND-100
ND-10458 VTM tables for Vistar (old)
ND-10459 VTM tables for DEC VT 100
ND-10460 VTM tables for TDV 2000
ND-10461 VTM tables for Beehive 100
ND-10462 VTM tables for ND NCT
ND-10463 VTM tables for Hazeltine 1520
ND-10464 VTM tables for Vistar GTX
ND-10465 VTM tables for DEC VT 52
ND-10466 VTM tables for Tec 501 / 502
ND-10467 VTM tables for Newbury 7000 / 3
ND-10485 VTM tables for Tandberg TDV 2200 Standard
ND-10486 VTM tables for Tandberg TDV 2200/9 ND NET (Nortext)
ND-10487 VTM tables for Nokia VDU 210
ND-10491 PLANC for MC68000
ND-10493 B PIOC Basic Software [1]
ND-10510 FORTRAN Runtime System for ND-500
ND-10511 Exception Handling System [1]
ND-10518 User Environment [1]
ND-10522 Test Programs for NORD 10/12 [1]
ND-10523 C, D Test programs for ND-100 CPU's, ND-100 type interfaces and peripherals [6]
ND-10526 NOTIS-WP for ND-500
ND-10527 NOTIS-IR for ND-500
ND-10532 K PED for ND-500 [6]
ND-10534 Job Execution Control [1]
ND-10536 COB-GEN for ND-100/ND-10
ND-10542 TPS-II for ND-100 see ND-10054
ND-10561A PC-LINK [7]
ND-10563A ND-LINK.EXE [7]
ND-10573 COSMOS X.25 Option [8]
ND-10576 SINTRAN III/VSX-500 [1]
ND-10609 D COSMOS Programmer Library
ND-10624 ND-GAMES for ND-100 / NORD-10
ND-10628 SINTRAN III VSE/VSX Utilities [1]
ND-10634 Memory To floppy dump (MEMTOF-100)
ND-10636 NORTEXT-100 AD System, AD Order Entry w/ Editor Extension
ND-10704 E00 Fortran Interface
ND-10724 NOTIS-BG for ND-100 (Business Graphics) 48 bits floating format
ND-10730 A02 UNIQUE-II for ND-500
ND-10732 B01 ND Telex
ND-10734 NORTEXT Ad Basic system
ND-10735 NORTEXT Ad Statistics module
ND-10736 NORTEXT Ad invoicing module
ND-10741 SNA Gateway Single Line [9]
ND-10742 SNA Terminal Emulator [9]
ND-10745 A00 ND Ada
ND-10758 NOTIS-BG for ND-100 (Business Graphics) 32 bits floating format
ND-10760 A00 C for ND-100? (contains CC-100-A:PROG) [6]
ND-10793 C02 NOTIS-BG for ND-500?
ND-10800 NORTEXT-100 Editor
ND-10801 System Tables Maintenance
ND-10814 Typographic Tables Maintenance
ND-10898 SIFT Information Retrieval System

210000 - 250379

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-10004 NORD-50 Program Package
ND-210005 Subsystem Package
ND-210024 ND-100 BASIC
ND-210034 ND-100 BASIC
ND-210079 NOTIS-WP for ND-100
ND-210080 J00 PED Eng for ND-100 [10]
ND-210152 G03 NOTIS-IR? [6]
ND-210166 SIBAS II for ND-100
ND-210177 COBOL-85 for ND-500/5000
ND-210180 FORTRAN for ND-500
ND-210185 ACCESS for ND-100
ND-210190 K02 FORTRAN-500 [6]
ND-210191 G??, F02 Fortran 77 for ND-100/NORD-10
ND-210193 NOTIS-RG for ND-100
ND-210260 NORTEXT-100 Book Pagination
ND-210310 H00 PLANC for ND-500 compiling on ND-500
ND-210315 F00 Accounting system for SINTRAN III
ND-210319 H02 ND-500 Linkage-Loader [10]
ND-210333 ND-500 Monitor (Background Monitor)
ND-210335 H00 Symbolic Debugger for ND-500/5000 [10]
ND-210336 F01 Symbolic Debugger for ND-110 [10]
ND-210337 I05 Backup-System
ND-210338 ND-500 Microcode for Array Processing Functions
ND-210373 X-Message (XMSG)
ND-210374 F03 COSMOS Basic module [10]
ND-210375 C00 Telefix for User Sites
ND-210400 Subsystem Package II
ND-210403 E00 COSMOS X.21 ? [6]
ND-210405 COSMOS X.29 PAD
ND-210412 F01 ND-500/1 CXA Microprogram
ND-210455 G05 VTM terminal tables (Standard)
ND-210507 Software Keys
ND-210510 J03 FORTRAN Runtime system for ND-500
ND-210511 D02 ND-500 Exception Library [10]
ND-210518 User-Environment
ND-210523 E, F, G, H, I Test programs for ND-100/110/120
ND-210528 D10 NOTIS-RG Swedish [6]
ND-210532 K00 PED Eng for ND-500 [10]
ND-210534 B00 JEC (Job Execution Control)
ND-210580 B03 COSMOS Ethernet option [10]
ND-210586 D07 something for User-Environment ? [6]
ND-210601 C00 UE-Library
ND-210628 SINTRAN III Utility programs
ND-210636 C00 NORTEXT-100 AD System, AD Order Entry w/ Editor Extension
ND-210691 C NOTIS-DS for ND-100
ND-210713 ABM - Application Building and Maintenance for ND-100
ND-210716 E, NOTIS-CALC for ND-500
ND-210718 C ABM - Application Building and Maintenance for ND-500
ND-210721 C01 BRF-Linker for ND-100
ND-210729 UNIQUE-II SIBAS for ND-100
ND-210730 C13 Unique ? [6]
ND-210732 B ND Telex
ND-210733 NORTEXT-100 AD System, AD Order Entry Module
ND-210741 SNA Gateway Single Line
ND-210742 SNA Terminal Emulator
ND-210746 NDIX for 16 Users
ND-210755 A BASIC for ND-500
ND-210757 B CBASIC Compiler for ND-110
ND-210761 B C-COMPILER for ND-500
ND-210771 ND Coloured Books Job and File transfer
ND-210793 NOTIS-BG for ND-500 (English version)
ND-210794 C NOTIS-DS for ND-500 [11]
ND-210800 L05 NORTEXT ? [6]
ND-210855 ND Disk Mirror and Error Logger
ND-210863 FORTRAN Crosscompiler for ND-100 running on ND-500
ND-210865 Mercur for ND-500 English version
ND-210866 ND Coloured Books File Transfer
ND-210872 C13 something for Unique ? [6]
ND-210873 ND I/O Line Switch
ND-210903 NDIX for 32 users
ND-210904 NDIX for 64 users
ND-210905 NDIX for over 64 users
ND-210907 B03 T2000 HSTI Software
ND-210913 A00 SINTRAN III Monitor Call Package
ND-210918 A ND TELEX Remote User Module
ND-211001 B ND PASCAL for ND-110
ND-211003 ND Pascal for ND-500
ND-211004 A NOTIS-Encrypt for ND-100
ND-211005 UNIQUE Text System
ND-211011 A NOTIS-DE for ND-100
ND-211015 A NOTIS-DE for ND-500
ND-211016 B NOTIS-DRAW for ND-100 48 bits floating format
ND-211023 A00 ND OSI Transport Service
ND-211024 E01 SINTRAN III Configuration Program
ND-211034 ND-500 Swapper
ND-211035 B CBASIC Compiler for ND-500/5000
ND-211036 B CBASIC-Utilities and Runtime for ND-110/500/5000
ND-211038 J PLANC for MC68000 compiling on ND-500/5000
ND-211042 A01 ? [6]
ND-211049 SQL (Structured Query Language) for ND-500
ND-211050 SQL Library for ND-100
ND-211054 A NOTIS-PM for ND-500
ND-211056 A SPRINT Spooling system [12]
ND-211065 NOTIS-RP for ND-100
ND-211066 D10 NOTIS-RG [6]
ND-211067 A01, A02 Mass Storage Utilities
ND-211068 Operator Environment
ND-211069 B01 Operator Environment Menu System [6]
ND-211070 A01 User Area Manager [10]
ND-211071 A05 OEC - Operator Environment Configuration Dictionary [6]
ND-211073 A04 File System Verification [10]
ND-211074 B01 Performance Monitor for ND-100/500(0) [10]
ND-211075 C03 File Manager [10]
ND-211078 A01 Multi-Machine Operator Environment [10]
ND-211084 C11 Unique something ? [6]
ND-211087 J SINTRAN III for Butterfly-110
ND-211089 B01 File Manager ? [6]
ND-211090 C01 User Environment for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211091 A01 DO System for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211092 A01 Butterfly-110 ND System Software [6]
ND-211093 A00 NOTIS-DS [6]
ND-211114 A ADA for ND-500/5000
ND-211124 B00 Test programs for ? [6]
ND-211128 A FTX Error Logger
ND-211129 A00 Async COSMOS for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211130 A00 Butterfly-110 ND Diagnostics [6]
ND-211149 A06 ND C for ND-500
ND-211157 A01 Debugger? (DEBUGGER-LED-A01) [6]
ND-211159 A01 LED for Fortran ? [6]
ND-211160 B03 LED for ND-500? [6]
ND-211161 B00 PC-FT Document Server for OWS 12 [11] 2 floppies with Gandalf
ND-211180 B NOTIS-PRO for ND-500/5000
ND-211183 J10 XMSG for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211185 COSMOS TCP/IP Gateway
ND-211187 Disk Restore
ND-211196 Fortran 77 for ND-500
ND-211224 B01 ND Linker for ND-500/5000 [10]
ND-211226 B04 Backup Manager [10]
ND-211227 A00 File Restore [6]
ND-211229 A03 Convert-Domain [10]
ND-211248 C13 Unique XTRA ? [6]
ND-211289 NOTIS-MAIL Remote User Interface for ND-500/5000
ND-211290 NOTIS-MAIL X.400 Gateway
ND-211297 OWS Access Server
ND-211305 B02 ND-500(0) System Package for SINTRAN III/VSX L [10]
ND-211321 C03 NUCLEUS Maintenance Kit [10]
ND-211322 C03 DOMINO Maintenance Kit [10]
ND-211325 OWS Access Server for ND 500/5000
ND-211327 TCP/IP Basic Module/III
ND-211464 A VTM terminal tables (Type 128/129) DEC VT200
ND-211465 B LED for ND-5100/xi is a language program editor running under Xenix
ND-211479 A08 DSS Basic System [10]
ND-211480 A08 DSS Libraries [10]
ND-211481 A08 DSS Test programs [10]
ND-211846 A01 SOFTWARE-KEYS [10]
ND-230006 D01 ND - Desktop Manager for OWS 11/12 [13] floppies exists
ND-230007 A Maintenance Programs for OWS 10/11/12 [14]
ND-230008 D01 OWS 12 Windows Set-up and Build Disks [13] 1 of 2 floppies exists
ND-230012 NORTEXT Page Designer [13]
ND-230025 02D Desk Top Manager for OWS 2 of 2 Swedish floppies exists
ND-250006 G00 Perform for ND-500? [6]
ND-250007 A00 Mini-Line editor (MLE) for ND-100/500
ND-250304 L07 SINTRAN III/VSX-500 Standard system A [10]
ND-250304 L0D SINTRAN III/VSX Patch File 106000 [10]
ND-250306 K05 SINTRAN III for ND-500? [6]
ND-250379 B04 ? (lots of :SYMB files) [6]

380000 - 380799

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-380349 ND OSI transport service
ND-380419 A SIBAS database system, limited to NOTIS-MAIL use [15]
ND-380451 ?
ND-380493 SIBAS libraries
ND-380718 (X.400) gateway
ND-380799 A Basic System Package for ND-5000 Systems [10]

References and sources

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 ND–80.001.1 EN [[Documentation list#Unknown|]]
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Norsk Data Document ND–30.005 TEST PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Norsk Data Document ND–30.025 COSMOS OPERATORS GUIDE
  5. Norsk Data Document ND–30.033 COSMOS X.21 OPTION OPERATOR GUIDE
  6. Jump up to: 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 found in the listing of the floppies that Gandalf has imaged
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 ND–60.189 ND/PC-LINK USER MANUAL
  8. Norsk Data Document ND–30.034 COSMOS X.25 OPTION OPERATOR GUIDE
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Norsk Data Document ND–30.038 SNA 3270 TERMINAL EMULATOR OPERATOR GUIDE
  10. Jump up to: 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 Norsk Data Document ND–895560 PI-sheet Basic System Package for ND-5000 Systems
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 PI-sheet for ND-211161B
  12. Norsk Data Document ND–60.252 THE SPRINT USER GUIDE
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 PI-sheet for ND-230006A-NO-01D Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "PI-230006" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "PI-230006" defined multiple times with different content
  15. ND-211286A