List of software products

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This is a list of software numbers. Early software did not have any product numbers but quite soon the a system for numbering the software packages evolved. At first it was a 5-digit code, for example ND-10024 BASIC (48-bit). Later on the codes changed into a 6-digit format. Old software got new numbers by simply adding a 2 at the beginning, for example ND-210024 ND-100 BASIC. Sometimes the names changed over time with new versions of the software.

Here the list is broken up in smaller chunks, both the 5-digit and 6-digit codes are listed.

10000 - 10758

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-10004 NORD-50 Program Package
ND-10005 Subsystem Package (32-bit)
ND-10007 Scientific Subroutine Package (48-bit)
ND-10008 SIBAS Database Multi-User System
ND-10009 Scientific Subroutine Package (32-bit)
ND-10010 Calcomp Plot Package (48-bit)
ND-10011 Versaplot Plot Package (48-bit)
ND-10012 Plot-10 for NORD-10 (48-bit)
ND-10013 NORD Screen Handling System
ND-10014 FLOCON System (SIII VS)
ND-10015 ND-500 Versaplot 07
ND-10016 IBM 3270 Emulator
ND-10018 RPG-II (RPG Compiler)
ND-10020 COBOL (phased out, available)
ND-10021 FLOCON system (SIII RT)
ND-10022 SINTRAN Utility Programs
ND-10023 FORTRAN (48-bit)
ND-10024 BASIC (48-bit)
ND-10025 Sort system (phased out)
ND-10026 NORD IDT CDC 200 User Emulator
ND-10027 NORD IDT Honeywell Gerts 115
ND-10028 NORD IDT IBM HASP Work Station
ND-10029 NORD IDT Univac NTR
ND-10030 NORD IDT IBM 2780/3780
ND-10031 Univac DCT 200 emulator (VS)
ND-10032 Plot-10 for NORD-10 (32-bit)
ND-10033 FORTRAN (32-bit)
ND-10034 BASIC (32-bit)
ND-10044 Subsystem Package (48-bit)
ND-10046 NORD Colour Terminal Software
ND-10047 SINTRAN III/RT operating system
ND-10048 SINTRAN III/VS operating system
ND-10049 SINTRAN III/VSE Spooling System [1]
ND-10050 ND-NET
ND-10053 NORD Data Entry System
ND-10054 NORD TPS (48-bit)
ND-10056 NORD IDT Univac NTR
ND-10057 NORD IDT Univac DCT 2000
ND-10058 NORD Simula (48-bit)
ND-10059 7750 VIP Emulator (48-bit)
ND-10060 Plot-10 for NORD-50
ND-10061 UTS-400 Emulator
ND-10063 NORD IDT IBM HASP Work Station (DMA) (48-bit)
ND-10067 FORTRAN Runtime system (48-bit)
ND-10068 Versaplot Package (32-bit)
ND-10069 NORD IDT CDC 200 User Multidrop Emulator (48-bit)
ND-10070 Scientific Subroutine Package For N-50
ND-10072 Datacon
ND-10073 NORD Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM)
ND-10075 SORT-II system (MSD-SORT) (phased out)
ND-10076 H, I, J Pascal (48-bit)
ND-10080 PED (NORD Program Editor)
ND-10112 Test-programs For ND-50
ND-10124 GPM - General Purpose Macro Processor
ND-10130 Xmessage For SINTRAN-III/VS
ND-10133 Pascal (32-bit)
ND-10134 COBOL Runtime system (phased out)
ND-10135 NSHS Runtime System
ND-10136 FORTRAN Runtime system (32-bit)
ND-10137 Versaplot-07 (48-bit)
ND-10142 DDPP (48-bit)
ND-10145 Mercur (Swedish version)
ND-10174 SINTRAN III/VSE Operating system
ND-10175 SINTRAN III/VSE-500 Operating system
ND-10176 COBOL for ND-100/NORD-10
ND-10177 ND-500 COBOL
ND-10178 Siemens emulator
ND-10179 Sort/Merge System
ND-10183 HASP-II
ND-10185 ACCESS-1 (48-bit)
ND-10186 FORTRAN Runtime system (for and part of ND-10191)
ND-10187 Pascal For ND-500
ND-10188 FOCUS Level 1, Screen Handling system For Transaction Processing
ND-10189 COBOL runtime System
ND-10190 FORTRAN For ND-500
ND-10191 FORTRAN For ND-100/NORD-10
ND-10193 NOTIS-RG for ND-100
ND-10195 ND Multiuser Data Entry System
ND-10196 ND-100 APL (48-bit)
ND-10197 SIBAS Backend Communication Module
ND-10199 X.25 Packet And Link Level For S-III/VS
ND-10300 Test Sys. For X.25 Packet And Link Level (48-bit)
ND-10309 A, D PLANC for ND-100
ND-10310 PLANC for ND-500
ND-10311 ND-500 Assembler
ND-10312 VIP 7750 II
ND-10315 SINTRAN III Accounting System
ND-10319 Linkage-Loader For ND-500
ND-10320 ND-500 Monitor (Single-user)
ND-10321 ND-500 Micro Test Programs
ND-10323 Mercur (english version
ND-10324 Test programs No. 1 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10324E Test program floppy 1 [2]
ND-10325 Test programs No. 2 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10325B Test program floppy 2 [2]
ND-10326 Test programs No. 3 for ND-10, ND-12 and ND-100
ND-10326B Test program floppy 3 [2]
ND-10331 Micro Test Program for ND-500 [1]
ND-10332 ND-500 Standard Micro Program [1]
ND-10333 ND-500 Monitor (Multi-user)
ND-10335 ND-500 Symbolic Debugger
ND-10336 ND-100 Symbolic Debugger (48-bit)
ND-10337 Backup-System
ND-10338 ND-500 microcode for array processing functions
ND-10339 Honeywell GRTS-II Remote Job Entry Emulator
ND-10340 SIBAS-II For ND-500
ND-10341 FOCUS Level 1, Screen Handling system For ND-500
ND-10342 ND Transaction Processing System - TPS-II [3]
ND-10343 Indexed Sequential Access Method For ND-500
ND-10344 Sort/Merge For ND-500
ND-10358 X.21 for RJE and terminal concentrator packages
ND-10366 Sci/Tech Program development option (48 bit)
ND-10371 Data Dictionary System
ND-10373 IS XMSG [4]
ND-10374 COSMOS Basic Module [4]
ND-10375 Telefix
ND-10379 Unique
ND-10400 Subsystem Package II
ND-10403 COSMOS X.21 Option [5]
ND-10404 COSMOS X.25 Option
ND-10406 SINTRAN-III for ND-100 Satellite/5
ND-10407 SINTRAN-III for ND-100 Satellite/9
ND-10408 Sci/Tech Program development option (32 bit)
ND-10409 X.21 Dialing Driver
ND-10415 SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
ND-10455 VTM tables (standard)
ND-10457 Linkage Loader For PIOC, ND-500 And ND-100
ND-10458 VTM tables for Vistar (old)
ND-10459 VTM tables for DEC VT 100
ND-10460 VTM tables for TDV 2000
ND-10461 VTM tables for Beehive 100
ND-10462 VTM tables for ND NCT
ND-10463 VTM tables for Hazeltine 1520
ND-10464 VTM tables for Vistar GTX
ND-10465 VTM tables for DEC VT 52
ND-10466 VTM tables for Tec 501 / 502
ND-10467 VTM tables for Newbury 7000 / 3
ND-10485 VTM tables for Tandberg TDV 2200 Standard
ND-10486 VTM tables for Tandberg TDV 2200/9 ND NET (Nortext)
ND-10487 VTM tables for Nokia VDU 210
ND-10493 PIOC Basic Software [1]
ND-10510 FORTRAN Runtime System for ND-500
ND-10511 Exception Handling System [1]
ND-10518 User Environment [1]
ND-10522 Test Programs for NORD 10/12 [1]
ND-10523 C, D Test programs for ND-100 CPU's, ND-100 type interfaces and peripherals [6]
ND-10526 NOTIS-WP for ND-500
ND-10527 NOTIS-IR for ND-500
ND-10532 K PED for ND-500 [6]
ND-10534 Job Execution Control [1]
ND-10536 COB-GEN for ND-100/ND-10
ND-10542 TPS-II for ND-100 see ND-10054
ND-10561A PC-LINK [7]
ND-10563A ND-LINK.EXE [7]
ND-10573 COSMOS X.25 Option [8]
ND-10576 SINTRAN III/VSX-500 [1]
ND-10624 ND-GAMES for ND-100 / NORD-10
ND-10628 SINTRAN III VSE/VSX Utilities [1]
ND-10634 Memory To floppy dump (MEMTOF-100)
ND-10724 NOTIS-BG for ND-100 (Business Graphics) 48 bits floating format
ND-10741 SNA Gateway Single Line [9]
ND-10742 SNA Terminal Emulator [9]
ND-10758 NOTIS-BG for ND-100 (Business Graphics) 32 bits floating format
ND-10760 A00 C for ND-100? (contains CC-100-A:PROG) [6]

210000 - 250379

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-10004 NORD-50 Program Package
ND-210024 ND-100 BASIC
ND-210034 ND-100 BASIC
ND-210079 NOTIS-WP for ND-100
ND-210080 J00 PED Eng for ND-100 [10]
ND-210152 G03 NOTIS-IR? [6]
ND-210166 SIBAS II for ND-100
ND-210177 COBOL-85 for ND-500/5000
ND-210185 ACCESS for ND-100
ND-210190 K02 FORTRAN-500 [6]
ND-210191 Fortran 77 for ND-100/NORD-10
ND-210193 NOTIS-RG for ND-100
ND-210319 H02 ND-500 Linkage-Loader [10]
ND-210333 ND-500 Monitor (Background Monitor)
ND-210335 H00 Symbolic Debugger for ND-500/5000 [10]
ND-210336 F01 Symbolic Debugger for ND-110 [10]
ND-210337 I05 Backup-System
ND-210373 X-Message (XMSG)
ND-210374 F03 COSMOS Basic module [10]
ND-210375 C00 Telefix for User Sites
ND-210400 Subsystem Package II
ND-210403 E00 COSMOS X.21 ? [6]
ND-210405 COSMOS X.29 PAD
ND-210412 F01 ND-500/1 CXA Microprogram
ND-210455 G05 VTM terminal tables (Standard)
ND-210507 Software Keys
ND-210511 D02 ND-500 Exception Library [10]
ND-210518 User-Environment
ND-210523 Test programs for ND-100/110/120
ND-210528 D10 NOTIS-RG Swedish [6]
ND-210532 K00 PED Eng for ND-500 [10]
ND-210534 B00 JEC (Job Execution Control)
ND-210580 B03 COSMOS Ethernet option [10]
ND-210586 D07 something for User-Environment ? [6]
ND-210628 SINTRAN III Utility programs
ND-210691 C NOTIS-DS for ND-100
ND-210713 ABM - Application Building and Maintenance for ND-100
ND-210718 ABM - Application Building and Maintenance for ND-500
ND-210721 C01 BRF-Linker for ND-100
ND-210729 UNIQUE-II SIBAS for ND-100
ND-210730 C13 Unique ? [6]
ND-210741 SNA Gateway Single Line
ND-210742 SNA Terminal Emulator
ND-210771 ND Coloured Books Job and File transfer
ND-210794 C NOTIS-DS for ND-500 [11]
ND-210800 L05 NORTEXT ? [6]
ND-210855 ND Disk Mirror and Error Logger
ND-210863 FORTRAN Crosscompiler for ND-100 running on ND-500
ND-210866 ND Coloured Books File Transfer
ND-210872 C13 something for Unique ? [6]
ND-210873 ND I/O Line Switch
ND-210913 A00 SINTRAN III Monitor Call Package
ND-211003 ND Pascal for ND-500
ND-211005 UNIQUE Text System
ND-211023 A00 ND OSI Transport Service
ND-211024 E01 SINTRAN III Configuration Program
ND-211034 ND-500 Swapper
ND-211042 A01 ? [6]
ND-211056 A SPRINT Spooling system [12]
ND-211065 NOTIS-RP for ND-100
ND-211066 D10 NOTIS-RG [6]
ND-211067 Mass Storage Utilities
ND-211068 Operator Environment
ND-211069 B01 Operator Environment ? [6]
ND-211070 A01 User Area Manager [10]
ND-211071 A05 OEC - Operator Environment Configuration Dictionary [6]
ND-211073 A04 File System Verification [10]
ND-211074 B01 Performance Monitor for ND-100/500(0) [10]
ND-211075 C03 File Manager [10]
ND-211078 A01 Multi-Machine Operator Environment [10]
ND-211084 C11 Unique something ? [6]
ND-211089 B01 File Manager ? [6]
ND-211090 C01 User Environment for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211091 A01 DO System for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211092 A01 Butterfly-110 ND System Software [6]
ND-211093 A00 NOTIS-DS [6]
ND-211124 B00 Test programs for ? [6]
ND-211129 A00 Async COSMOS for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211130 A00 Butterfly-110 ND Diagnostics [6]
ND-211157 A01 Debugger? (DEBUGGER-LED-A01) [6]
ND-211159 A01 LED for Fortran ? [6]
ND-211160 B03 LED for ND-500? [6]
ND-211161 B00 PC-FT Document Server for OWS 12 [11] 2 floppies with Gandalf
ND-211183 J10 XMSG for Butterfly-110 [6]
ND-211185 COSMOS TCP/IP Gateway
ND-211187 Disk Restore
ND-211196 Fortran 77 for ND-500
ND-211224 B01 ND Linker for ND-500/5000 [10]
ND-211226 B04 Backup Manager [10]
ND-211227 A00 OEB? [6]
ND-211229 A03 Convert-Domain [10]
ND-211248 C13 Unique XTRA ? [6]
ND-211297 OWS Access Server
ND-211305 B02 ND-500(0) System Package for SINTRAN III/VSX L [10]
ND-211321 C03 NUCLEUS Maintenance Kit [10]
ND-211322 C03 DOMINO Maintenance Kit [10]
ND-211325 OWS Access Server for ND 500/5000
ND-211327 TCP/IP Basic Module/III
ND-211479 A08 DSS Basic System [10]
ND-211480 A08 DSS Libraries [10]
ND-211481 A08 DSS Test programs [10]
ND-211846 A01 SOFTWARE-KEYS [10]
ND-230006 D01 ND - Desktop Manager for OWS 11/12 [13] floppies exists
ND-230007 A Maintenance Programs for OWS 10/11/12 [14]
ND-230008 D01 OWS 12 Windows Set-up and Build Disks [13] 1 of 2 floppies exists
ND-230012 NORTEXT Page Designer [13]
ND-230025 02D Desk Top Manager for OWS 2 of 2 Swedish floppies exists
ND-250006 G00 Perform for ND-500? [6]
ND-250007 A00 Mini-Line editor (MLE) for ND-100/500
ND-250304 L07 SINTRAN III/VSX-500 Standard system A [10]
ND-250304 L0D SINTRAN III/VSX Patch File 106000 [10]
ND-250306 K05 SINTRAN III for ND-500? [6]
ND-250379 B04 ? (lots of :SYMB files) [6]

380000 - 380799

Product number Versions Name Notes
ND-380799 A Basic System Package for ND-5000 Systems [10]

References and sources

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 ND–80.001.1 EN [[Documentation list#Unknown|]]
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Norsk Data Document ND–30.005 TEST PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS
  4. 4.0 4.1 Norsk Data Document ND–30.025 COSMOS OPERATORS GUIDE
  5. Norsk Data Document ND–30.033 COSMOS X.21 OPTION OPERATOR GUIDE
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 found in the listing of the floppies that Gandalf has imaged
  7. 7.0 7.1 ND–60.189 ND/PC-LINK USER MANUAL
  8. Norsk Data Document ND–30.034 COSMOS X.25 OPTION OPERATOR GUIDE
  9. 9.0 9.1 Norsk Data Document ND–30.038 SNA 3270 TERMINAL EMULATOR OPERATOR GUIDE
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 Norsk Data Document ND–895560 PI-sheet Basic System Package for ND-5000 Systems
  11. 11.0 11.1 PI-sheet for ND-211161B
  12. Norsk Data Document ND–60.252 THE SPRINT USER GUIDE
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 PI-sheet for ND-230006A-NO-01D Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "PI-230006" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "PI-230006" defined multiple times with different content