ND-100 Satellite 14.16796

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Revision as of 20:20, 18 August 2024 by RHansen (talk | contribs) (updated info on disk imaging)
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A ND-100 Satellite model 14 machine in RHansen's collection,


Hardware in the machine is described in this section.

PCB Cards in the Satellite


Hardware Components
Slot Part Number PCB Number Description Print Version ECO
8 TI 322613 PCB 3013 8 TERM IF Print L
FL+STR 324012 PCB 3112 8" + 5 1/4 FLOPPY Print B ECO J
ST506 322671 PCB 3041 N-100 ST 506 DISK CONTR. Print E ECO ?
DRAM 322672 PCB 3042 ND100 2MBY RAM Print B ECO C
MMS 324107 PCB 3104 MEM-MAN II EX. Cach Print E ECO N
CPU 322663 PCB 3033 ND100 CPU Print ? ECO V (48Bits CX)

Switch settings

CPU 3033 ALD=13 (Mass boot from 500) Console Speed =7 (9600bps)


  • Floppy drive : 5 1/4" (potentially 1.2MB)
  • Tape streamer : Tandberg TDC 3309
  • Hard drive : MICROPOLIS 1325 (74 MB) - Unable to read drive/bad sectors. Head stuck, but could get ut unstuck by opening the drive and using a chop-stick like described here [1]

Mounted on Disc-board 1824B

Power Supply

  • Wiener DN 01, 390 W


  • Power connector : [2] C16 type C16
  • Power cable [3]
  • Console connector : DB25F


On the devices

FLOPPY: ND 187-3464
STREAMER: ND 150-001021 TDC 3300 Series, TDC 3309 (partno ? 326112) (serialno ? 564323)
DISK: Micropolis 1325 (S/N:6082010769 P/N:900525-09-BA)

On the front of the cabinet (behind the front door)

  • printed label above tape streamer / floppy drive
  • Norsk Data ID LABEL at the bottom
SYSTEM NO: 16796


  • Some basic cleaning as the system has been standing since the 90's DoneDone
  • Document all serial and model numbers on devices.DoneDone
  • Image the MFM disk before attempting a boot. Template:Failed Drive unreadable.
    • Heads was stuck, had to "unstuck" them using a chopstick ref https://www.pdp8online.com/rd53/rd53.shtml
    • Using MFM_READ tool and the MFM emulator I tried to dump the disk, but was unsuccessful due to "Bad sectors" on (almost) all cylinders
    • Tested using ND program DISK-MM (DISK Media Maintenance - Version: C03 - 1990-06-11)
      • Connected the drive to another ND machine (ND-110 Compact) to run MFM test programs
      • Reported "NOT ON CYLINDER" when the heads was stuck, but after it changed to "Address mismatch" - sadly no data can be retrieved at this point
      • Doing seek-test shows that the heads move freely across all cylinders. Can see that because the disk is opened, and I can visually inspect the head movements.
  • Check the power supply condition Template:In progress


2024-08-18: Tried to image the MFM HDD, but failed - disk unreadable
2024-08-18: Started going through the system, documenting it and basic cleaning in preparation for getting it up.
2024-08-17: System donated to me from Håvard Sten


[4][Norsk Data library, Hardware]

[5][Book 2: ND-100 SATELLITE, Assembly Drawings]

[6][Book 2: ND-100 SATELLITE, Cable Info. Block & Wiring Diagrams]