@RT-PROGRAM-LOG <program name>, <report interval>, <interrupts/sample>, <logical device no.> [, <input or output>] [, <logical device no.>] [, <input or output>], <output file>
Measure resource usage by logging a particular RT program and total system usage. Usage of one or two logical units can also be logged. (see "The Analysis of Resposne Time Problems", ND Bulletin, December 1980.)
- <program name>
- (default = log only total system usage) the name of the RT program to be measured or its RT description
- <report interval>
- the number of seconds between each report time
- <interrupts/sample>
- the number of output interrupts of the user's terminal between each sample
- <logical device no.>
- (default = no log, decimal) any existing logical device to be measured. Two devices can be measured at one time.
- <input or output>
- input or output of the logical device (0 = input, 1 = output)
- <output file>
- (default = terminal) destination of report
- Permitted only for users RT and SYSTEM.
- Sampling is connected to the output interrupt response time of the terminal. If the terminal is of high speed, eg. 9600 baud, a sample on each interrupt would give a considerable system load. The parameter <interrupts/sample> should specify a number which is reasonable in the particular circumstances.
- The information returned is
- CPU time used
- disk channel time for swapping
- disk channel time for file access
- the time the disk was reserved, this is the total of swap and file access
- To terminate the log, press "escape".
- The command is not permitted from remote terminals.
- The command cannot be used in MODE or BATCH jobs.
@RT-PROGRAM-LOG BAK02, 1, 1,, CPU SWAP FILES DISK PASSIVE IO WAIT 00/ 95 00/ 00 00/ 00 00 94 04 41/ 98 00/ 00 13/ 13 13 00 60 44/ 97 00/ 00 03/ 03 03 00 57 63/100 00/ 00 00/ 00 00 00 24
The program BAK02 is logged every second. One sample is taken on every interrupt of terminal 2. The second row shows that CPU was utilized 98% of the time, and BAK02 used 41% of that time. The disk was reserved 13% of the time, all for BAK02 file access. BAK02 was in IO-WAIT 60% of the time. The sum of CPU time, passive time and IO-WAIT is 101% due to rounding inaccuracy.
Related commands
Norsk Data Document ND–60.128.03 SINTRAN III REFERENCE MANUAL (printed February 1983), page 1-172